

Ask tactic

Ask the users you have in the database for their opinion on what your product should look like. Don’t forget to email them how important but simple their task is. Based on the answers that are most often given, you can, for example, create another Icebreaker! Tactic steps 1. Specify the target group Specify precisely who...

How Many Lead Magnets Do I Need?

How many lead magnets do you think you need to create? One, two, maybe even three? Keep on guessing. The real number is probably higher than what you have in your mind right now. Research indicates that most businesses can benefit from using 15 or more lead magnets in their marketing strategy. You read that right— 15 plus....

How To Choose Effective Images For Lead Magnets?

You already know about the persuasive power of lead magnets. These freebies are called “magnets” for a reason— they attract. But not all free offers have the same magnetism. Some are more irresistible than others. What’s the secret to creating compelling lead magnets? Effective Images. That’s right— You can use images and other graphic elements to...

Explore Resource Library: What makes a great one!

We just launched our trademark Resource Library service to help you collect leads effortlessly. It’s a collection of the eBooks and other lead magnets that we’ve made over the past few years. As part of our research when building the library we analyzed the websites of 100 high growing tech companies to see if there...

The Lead Magnet Process Explained

There are a number of different components required to get your lead magnet online and generating leads. Let’s take a look at everything involved. What is a lead magnet? What are the best types of lead magnet? 1. Offer Your Lead Magnet People can’t download your lead magnet unless they can find it. You can...

Best Types Of Lead Magnet

In this article, we’ll take a look at six best types of lead magnet which are so effective that you may want Zesno to create for your own website.​ What is a lead magnet? 1. Resource Guide A resource guide is a collection of things that you recommend to help people achieve a certain result.​...

What Is A Lead Magnet?

Some of you may already know, a Lead Magnet is a reward that you offer someone in exchange for their email address. Simple as that! What are the best types of lead magnets? The lead magnet acts as an incentive to encourage people to take action. Without a reason to opt-in, most people will just...

Online Quiz Attracts Leads

Dekor is a relatively young interior design firm that struggled with finding new clients. They had tried different traditional promotion tactics without much success. Spending a great deal of time to analyze the issues, Zesno came up with a brilliant idea to provide a free online quiz that help new apt owners get instant answers...

Icebreaker Landing Page Template

Create a landing page where you will promote a lead magnet that opens the way to further upsell of your products to leads. Collect as many contacts as possible at the lowest cost! Template: Example: Tactic steps: 1. Icebreaker Presentation [Header] A graphic should appear here, showing the product (e-book, infographic, etc.) that you want to...