Increase Conversion With Landing Pages And Email Marketing

05/06/2021by Zesno0

Every business needs conversions. Whether you’re a marketer for a small brick-and-mortar store or a multinational brand, driving conversions remains one of your primary measures of success. Who doesn’t want to increase conversion?

However, many marketers today are finding it increasingly difficult to convert leads. According to Growth Marketing Stage’s 2019 State of Marketing Report, 72% of marketers state that generating leads is their biggest challenge.

This leads to their second-biggest challenge, which is earning revenue. The report indicates that 53% of marketers struggle with their marketing ROI.

One ideal way to overcome this challenge is to use landing pages. In this post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about landing pages, from optimizing the pages to fitting them into your email campaigns.

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What are landing pages?

Landing pages are specific pages in your website designed for a singular purpose: converting visitors into leads. The only goal of landing pages is conversion, which makes them the ideal tool to use if you’re on a mission to increase your conversion rates.

There are many types of landing pages, and they are all aimed at encouraging visitors to perform a specific action. This can include subscribing to a newsletter, downloading content in the form of whitepapers or ebooks, registering for webinars, or even purchasing a product.

For this reason, no two landing pages will ever look the same. To get the most out of your landing page, you’ll need to optimize it according to your intended purpose.

Improving your landing pages

If you want to optimize your landing pages for conversion and incorporate them into your email marketing strategy, then make sure you follow these best practices for landing page design.

Highlight the benefits for visitors.

Whatever action you want visitors to complete, it’s critical that you don’t come across like you’re simply trying to make a sale. This will only serve to discourage visitors from taking action.

Visitors will be more inclined to perform an action if they feel like you truly want to help them. And this is totally achievable with just a few adjustments to your landing page copy.

landing page

Instead of itemizing the features of whatever you are offering, educate visitors on how these features and your product can benefit them. Show visitors what’s in it for them if they decide to complete the required action.

Brevity is the best policy.

Nobody likes filling out lengthy forms, and your prospective customers are no different. To maximize conversions and minimize the chances of visitors exiting out of forms, keep your forms as short and as straightforward as possible.

landing pages

Avoid overwhelming visitors by including too many fields in your landing pages. Only ask your visitors for necessary information, which will likely take up three or four fields. You should also avoid making your landing page scrollable as this will only distract visitors.

One call-to-action (CTA) is all you need.

You’ve probably seen time and time again landing pages that contain multiple CTAs. As a marketer, you understand that this does not align with best practices. And from a consumer’s perspective, an overwhelming amount of clickable buttons deters you from taking any action at all.

landing page

Seeing several CTAs on one landing page confuses your visitors and presents them with the paradox of choice—that is, not being able to make a decision because there are too many options to begin with.

As such, make it a point to include only one CTA on your landing page, regardless of what action you intend the visitor to perform. It’s also important to be crystal clear about what you want them to do. If the goal of your landing page is to get more signups to your newsletter, then your CTA copy could be “Sign up for our newsletter” or something similar.

The synergy between landing pages and email marketing

Once you’re able to optimize your landing pages for conversion, following these tips will enable you to effectively integrate them into your email campaigns.

Make it quick.

If you want visitors to convert, then you have to make it quick and easy for them to do so. Design your emails in such a way that subscribers can take action in the fewest number of clicks possible.

It’s also recommended that you make the conversion process convenient for subscribers by allowing them to take action right in their inbox. Take advantage of your email marketing platform’s integrations with landing page design apps that give you the ability to seamlessly include landing pages within your emails.

Leverage different media.

Your visitors won’t absorb information in the same way. Some might like watching videos while some prefer reading text.

For maximum efficiency, diversify and use various types of content in your emails. This includes videos, interactive content (mini-games, puzzles, etc.), infographics, and even GIFs.

Testing is key.

It is absolutely crucial that you perform A/B testing on your emails. Use an email marketing platform that makes it easy for you to do split testing and track essential metrics so that you can quickly make the necessary improvements.

When it comes to including landing pages in your email marketing, you can A/B test a wide range of elements such as:

  • Subject line (tone, copy, etc.)
  • CTAs (plain links vs. buttons)
  • Imagery (videos vs. still images vs. GIFs)

Wrap up

The goal of landing pages is to convert. This means that including landing pages in your email marketing strategy a no-brainer. The advice detailed in this post serves as a guide so that you can start merging your landing pages and your email marketing immediately, which will then result in increased conversion.

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