SEO-friendly website secrets from 12 experts

22/06/2022by Zesno0

Have you ever seen a brand everyone is talking about?

And always in the top search results!

Have you wondered how the owners were able to do this?

The answer is SEO… Search Engine Optimization.

It can help you to reach your audience and earn more money


Make you like the tree that fell alone in the wood…

Did the tree make a sound? Nobody knows… because nobody was there.

Save this article, it’s a great lesson!

At Zesno, we offer SEO services to help business get off the ground!

John McGhee
Owner of Webconsuls

Provide valuable information to users in the simplest way.
The general rule is to have a sleek website that’s easy to navigate.
You should have:

  • A homepage.
  • About page.
  • Contact page.
  • Internal pages for each product/service you offer.
  • Be as specific as possible with the pages.
  • Optimize each of them for that product or service.

Optimization will include basic SEO tasks like:

  • Title tags,
  • Meta descriptions,
  • Internal linking,
  • Alt image tags for images.Make sure the content is informative and answers the users’ questions.

Also, try including multiple forms of content on each page- like:

  • Videos.
  • Text.
  • Infographics, etc.

The last major item is done off the website.
This item is link building. It’s one of the most important aspects of SEO.
This involves getting a link to your site from another website.
It can affect the reputation or authority of your website.
You want to focus on quality links versus quantity.
Try to assure you get do-follow links so the authority passes to you.

Zoe Simmons
Journalist, SEO copywriter and editor.

Here are a few of my top tips:

  1. Write for people first.
    This might sound like an odd SEO tip.
    But engagement is a big part of keeping people on your website.
    Google sees that. So, make sure your content is:
  • Relevant.
  • Valuable.
  • Easy-to-read for your intended audience.

Subheadings, plain English and simple sentences work best.
Especially, when you consider your audience’s fears and desires.

2. Keep an eye on ways you can make your website faster or more effective.

If your website takes forever to load
the navigation isn’t clear
Be careful, search engines take this into account!
Page speed matters.
Reduce the file size of any images on your website.
Get a web developer to help you with any other technical fixes.

seo-friendly website

3. Don’t ignore metadata.

Name your image files the same keywords you’re going after.
Make sure you fill out your alt data.
This is how people who are vision-impaired or blind read your images.
So, make sure it makes sense.
Having the right title tags is also a huge help.
Your metadata description may not impact your SEO. However, it can entice readers to click on your website and keep reading.

Rachel Roff
Founder & CEO of Urban Skin Rx and a Licensed Aesthetician

Prioritize keywords you can easily create great content around.
Pick several keywords that are all related and create a blog post.
Use the keywords throughout the blog post as naturally as possible.

Choose your keywords before creating your piece of content. This will allow you to include your keywords naturally. And will save you time.
If you didn’t do that, you will end up re-writing a lot of sentences. So, have them chosen first.

Benjamin Smith
The Founder of Disco.

Use software SEO tools. It can help you see what keywords your competitors are ranking for.
Also, an easy way to discover your main keywords.

Compile a list of keywords before creating your content. It’s the best way to incorporate them naturally. Which is important for not sounding spammy. Google will penalize content that comes off as spammy or not helpful.

Sara Shah
Co-founder and Co-CEO of Journ

The easiest way to get started is by focusing on content creation.
Use Google to see what kinds of topics you should be covering.
Start typing in the search box to see suggestions based on popular searches. This will help you to choose your topics.
Remember that the topics should be related to your business and your niche.

Set up Google Alerts for related topics to stay on top of trends.
Make sure you are including keywords people search for in each piece of content.

This is the first & easiest way to make your website SEO friendly.
Have a list of keywords for each blog you are writing before you start writing. So, you can incorporate them naturally into your sentences. Be consistent with how often you post blogs.
Remember to share links to your blog posts on social media. This is key to help drive traffic!

Rahul Gulati
Founder Of GyanDevign Tech Services LLP

The top 4 things I used to make my site SEO friendly.

  1.  Apt use of keywords in my page title and meta description.
  2.  Using semantic keywords on headers- H1 and H2. It helps Google understand your page. No keyword stuffing here.
  3.  Test your site if it runs smoothly on mobile devices
  4. Focus on solid copywriting to inform your prospect in detail about your product/service.

Hy Nguyen
CEO Of pTranslate.

The key is always to do keyword research.
Focus on long-tail keywords because they are a lot less competitive.
After that, continue to create highly relevant content on those keywords. It’s the basics of SEO, but it’s always the best way to do it. Evergreen content will generate organic traffic for a long time to come.

Link building is crucial. Focus on both inbound and outbound links.
Build a coherent web structure to make your site easy to navigate.
Users should be able to navigate to any page on your site in 3 clicks.

For backlinks, try to connect with other websites. Find ways to put your link on theirs too. You can also create social media profiles to generate extra traffic.

Never forget the meta description because that is how Google finds your website. Good metadata with keywords inserted in will increase your SEO.

Daniel Caughill
Co-Founder | The Dog Tale

Proper keyword research
Quality content creation is the key to Search Engine Optimization.

If you don’t know what your audience is searching for,
You won’t be able to create suitable content.

And if you don’t spend the time necessary to create excellent content,
They won’t care even if they do find your website.

David Pagotto
Founder and Managing Director of SIXGUN

I find that creating exceptional content is neglected!

Something that fulfills the EAT methodology:

  • Expertise,
  • Authority,
  • Trust.

This, combined with the right keyword strategy, has a strong outcome.
The idea is to create better content than the leading competition.

Yusuf Perens
Owner – Galen Leather

Don’t just target a broad keyword.
Invest in keywords research.

Understand your customers’ search intent when they search.
Customize your title and meta descriptions to reflect this.
When a customer is doing a generalized search, they’re in the information-gathering phase of the sales funnel.

Understand the long-tail search terms they’re using in the ‘decision-making’ stage.
In this stage, they are looking to buy a product or eager to learn more about a specific topic.

Use these long-tail keywords in your SEO copy for title and meta descriptions.
You will meet your customers’ precise search intent.
This will produce more valuable results & a higher click-through rate.

Steven Jaenke
Founder & CEO Digimark Australia

Creating content and getting links from other websites are keys.
But a lot of people forget about internal links.

Produce information infrastructure that moves your readers through your pages naturally.
By doing that, you’re:

  • Improving their experience of your site,
  • Improving the navigability of your site,
  • Making it easier for the robots to crawl each of your pages.

It also helps to spread the authority of your pages.
Meaning a single post won’t act as a terminus point.
Instead, it will distribute any authority gain from links to that post to other pages.
So link your own pages together.


Brendan Kelso
Founder and Manager of Legal sites.
Podcast host of Better Law Firm Marketing.

First, get the basics right:

  • Fast page loading,
  • High-quality images,
  • Clear menu navigation,
  • Clear CTA,
  • Mobile-friendly,
  • Unique selling points,
  • Keep the colours and fonts consistent with your brand,
  • Internal linking.

If you’re a beginner, use a basic keyword research tool.
There are many great options.

  • Create relevant and high-quality content.
  • Always research your content before creating it.
  • Write website content based on keyword research (e.g. blogs, legal updates, videos, news articles, etc).
  • Ensure your primary keyword is in the meta title for each relevant page.
  • Optimize each website page for SEO with an SEO tool (e.g. Rank Math for WordPress users).
  • Get high-quality (and relevant) backlinks.
  • Write a compelling meta title, meta description and URL.
    This can improve your click-through rate (CTR) in search results. Which can improve your Google ranking.
  • Pursue media opportunities.
    This can attract new clients and improve your SEO. It can also help you get backlinks.
  • Be consistent.

Daryl Urbanski
Founder of [the site you’re on now]
Podcast Host of “The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski”.

If you’ve made it this far into the article,
These experts above have given you the keys to the SEO kingdom.

It’s important to remember, SEO is just trying to model the offline world.

What does this mean?

Well.. Imagine a schoolyard full of people.

Then a new kid comes to school.

Where do they fit in?

You’d have to see what groups of people are where.

What topics they’re discussing this new person might have interest in.

If this new person had the option of leaving. You’d want them to have the best experience.

In terms of entertaining/relevant discussion.

Making sure they aren’t in touch with ‘bad influences, etc.

So the ‘on page’ SEO stuff you’re doing.

It’s helping the search engine indexes find & organize your content.

So they know which searches to show it in.

Getting links to your site, ‘back linking’..

It’s like having others vote on your reputation.

Saying you can be trusted.

What’s their reputation? Are they someone of integrity themselves? etc..

Search engines will never punish you IF you create:

  • Top-quality content people find useful
  •  Accurate content relevant & easy to consume
  •  Something authoritative sites/people want to link to & share.As a final note. Keep in mind, not all keywords are created equal.
    For many of the clients, I’ve helped, out of thousands of keywords, only a handful turn into $$$.
    So a fantastic place to get your keywords from will always be :
    Your paying clients & customers.

If you are curious about the state of your SEO, try this tool.

Talk with us to find out more. We can help.

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