

Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam

Doing business in Vietnam can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right knowledge and preparation, businesses that invest in Vietnam can reap great rewards. From understanding the business environment and culture of Vietnam to setting up a business entity, registering for licenses and permits, developing a business plan, finding partners and suppliers, locating...

5 Most Important Reasons to Hire a Social Media Manager

Hire a Social Media Manager? Your brand’s digital marketing strategy cannot be complete without a social media manager. Learn why here. The number of businesses advertising on Facebook is currently over 3 million. If you want to gain visibility on social, these numbers are pretty daunting. Yet it underscores the importance of Facebook marketing for...

4 Tips To Generate More Clients With Social Media

With smartphones glued to hands and eyes focused on screens constantly, there’s no denying that social media has become a large part of the world. More and more, businesses are relying on social media to market their brand and catch the attention of new consumers. It can be a powerful tool, but it needs to...

Building A New Auction Platform

Zesno is collaborating with a popular legal firm to carry out a project to develop a new digital auction platform with the aim to effectively liquidate thousands of assets annually. We will be providing technical consultation, software engineer and legal defense for the client. Some of the proposed wireframes:

The Role Of ChatBots After Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic is abruptly transfiguring the way people connect, communicate, and collaborate. For such scenarios, one powerful tool that helps in minimizing the social distance between businesses and customers is chatbots. A chatbot is a software application designed for human-like conversation. There is no doubt that we will witness the rise of chatbots in...

How Many Lead Magnets Do I Need?

How many lead magnets do you think you need to create? One, two, maybe even three? Keep on guessing. The real number is probably higher than what you have in your mind right now. Research indicates that most businesses can benefit from using 15 or more lead magnets in their marketing strategy. You read that right— 15 plus....

Customer Persona: How To Create From Scratch?

For your business to succeed, you must deeply understand your customers. The best way to do that is to create a customer persona — several, in fact. Your customer personas can focus your messaging, guide your marketing, and improve your product. But what exactly is a customer persona and what’s the easiest way to create...

How To Choose Effective Images For Lead Magnets?

You already know about the persuasive power of lead magnets. These freebies are called “magnets” for a reason— they attract. But not all free offers have the same magnetism. Some are more irresistible than others. What’s the secret to creating compelling lead magnets? Effective Images. That’s right— You can use images and other graphic elements to...