New logo for Go Coconut Oil

24/08/2022by Zesno0

Go Coconut Oil is an e-commerce site to sell … of course, coconut oil and all things about coconuts. They aim to revamp the logo design and also the branding kit for upcoming plans.

After receiving our works, they love Zesno’s idea and design. Let’s check them out:
Firstly, we decide on the Primary Palette
Then, the grey pallete
We choose font Bauhaus Apex 600 for the typography

Some logo’s color combinations:

logo design logo design logo design logo design logo design

Some simplified logo versions:

design logo design logo design logo design logo design logo design logo design logo design logo

Avatars (These icons can be used for social media and email profile images or as a favicon):


Brand in context:

brand in context

brand in context

We really hope that you like it as much as our clients do. Drop us a line for your upcoming creative logo and branding kits?

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