

QR code for weddings: Applications and services

QR code for weddings Weddings are special occasions that are meant to be remembered for a lifetime. With the advent of digital technology, couples are now using QR codes to ensure that their wedding event is just as memorable and unique as they had planned. For the first time ever, Zesno offer a package of...

Use Feedback QR Codes To Drive Reviews

There are several benefits to being attentive to customer feedback, but the main ones are increasing the level of customer satisfaction and promoting improvements in products and services. The impact on sales is noticeable. Satisfied customers tend to buy more and are more likely to defend the brand, and recommend it to their friends. In...

Digital business card: Your best marketing tool?

The push to make everything digital has accelerated in the past couple of years. From meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences, job interviews — to baby showers, bridal showers, even attending a wedding — we’ve relied on digital platforms to make things work. It is no wonder that exchanging business cards — a practice that has been...

Integrated market survey solution

Zesno has successfully carried out an integrated market survey solution for HCP Asia (Singapore) that incorporates new technologies including QR code and online form. Within 3 months, we attract 5,000 pharmacy participants across Vietnam and collect more than 1,500 responses. “Vietnam is not an easy country to penetrate, yet Zesno has done a wonderful job...