Use Feedback QR Codes To Drive Reviews

14/11/2022by Zesno0

There are several benefits to being attentive to customer feedback, but the main ones are increasing the level of customer satisfaction and promoting improvements in products and services.

The impact on sales is noticeable. Satisfied customers tend to buy more and are more likely to defend the brand, and recommend it to their friends. In addition, the chances of attracting new customers are even greater.

Another important issue is the possibility of differentiating the brand from the competition. It is increasingly difficult to do this on the basis of functional attributes alone, which requires attention to the experiences that can be provided to the public.

Today, QR codes are an excellent way to obtain customer reviews and improve your services and products. This is why!

How Important Are Reviews for a Business?

Reviews are opinions or comments that users leave on review websites like TrustPilot, Tripadvisor, and of course, Google. The primary function of reviews is to increase the presence, trust, and credibility of the business.

This gives greater conviction to internet users and future customers who are looking for the services and products that companies offer.

Therefore, reviews become a critical factor in a user’s decision-making process since, based on them, they can decide whether or not to buy the product or service.

A way to gauge how a potential client rates our credibility is by reviewing the number of stars someone else has given a business and the comments they have written. This way, prospects measure customer satisfaction.

feedback qr codes

What Is a Feedback QR Code?

Feedback QR codes are a type of QR code that link customers or prospects to a feedback form where anyone can leave customer feedback on a service or product. When they scan the QR code for feedback, they are directed to a link containing a feedback form.

There, consumers can give a star rating and type an actual review, which businesses can access, read, and get into the minds of their clientele.

Once they share their sentiments, they send the feedback forms with the reviews that the company or business collects on the other end.

How to Use QR Codes for Feedback

To collect feedback via feedback QR codes, you can place them on the following:

  • Product packaging
  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Restaurant tables
  • Online
  • Front desk or hall

Anyone able to scan the code will be able to leave a rating and a review.

Also, you can create a QR code for multiple links that leads to review websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, Facebook, Trustpilot, Tripadvisor, and many more.

Anyone scanning these codes will be able to leave a rating and a review on these and all the review websites you want your company or business to be reviewed.

Benefits of Feedback QR Codes

Increase your reviews

Getting customers to give feedback is sometimes a difficult task —people tend to leave reviews only when their expectations were not met. However, QR codes will prompt them to leave feedback —hopefully positive— since you’re asking for their opinion via the code.

QR codes are an innovative and convenient way to ask customers for feedback. This will make them more likely to leave a rating and share their thoughts after acquiring a product or service.

Real-time feedback

If you create a feedback QR code that connects to a review website —Google, Yelp, G2, Trustpilot, etc.— you will get the notification once customers post it.

This means you don’t have to wait too long until you finally get to know what your clients think of your company or business.

Gauge client satisfaction

The purpose of asking for feedback is to measure how satisfied customers are so that you can make improvements in your product value proposition or customer service. Not all customers know how to leave a review online, so QR codes pose a fantastic opportunity.

Improve your business

The ultimate goal when you collect feedback is to improve your business by increasing your reputation. QR codes help you do just that by taking you closer to your prospects and clients.

Reviews have become a fundamental element on the Internet and their influence on the purchase decision has increased over time. Paying attention to what your customers say about you is important for your reputation and to know if your business is doing well or if, on the contrary, you should make some changes.

Feedback QR Code Uses


Regardless of the type of product you sell —household items, electronic devices, packaged food, etc.— you can use a feedback QR code to collect reviews and ratings. If you’ve launched a new product, you can collect feedback via a QR code on the packaging and see how customers are engaging with it.

Collecting this information will let you know what is right or wrong regarding your product so you make changes accordingly.

feedback qr code

Food business

Restaurants are very sensitive to customer feedback, so not knowing what your clientele thinks could be a recipe for disaster. Printing the feedback QR code and placing it on tables or in the checkout area is a great idea to prompt dinners to leave a review.

This feedback is essential to making adjustments to the menu, offering new dishes, and evaluating the possibility of introducing complementary products.

food business


Feedback forms are very common in seminars, conferences, and academic events. However, there is a problem: they are in print. Introducing feedback QR codes in your events will motivate attendees to share their experience.

You can print the codes on any takeaway materials, brochures, flyers, and more. People won’t need to fill in a physical form, but they’ll just need to scan the code and access the digital form embedded in the code.


You can include a link to tourist surveys on a small piece of paper attached to the receipt given to the guest at checkout. The sheet could have a branded, easy-to-remember short URL and QR code to help customers quickly find the survey online.

QR codes are a great way to automatize the feedback gathering process among guests. The code will take them straight away to websites like TripAdvisor, Expedia Local Expert, Viator, and even social media pages on Facebook.

qr code


If you offer any type of service to end customers, feedback QR codes are essential to connect with your clients and know how satisfied they are. Securing those reviews will not only help you shape your services to meet their needs but will also help you manage your reputation online.


Feedback is an essential part of the development of every business. But since reviews —especially positive ones— are sometimes hard to get, you can prompt customers with an attractive QR code that will do the trick!

Need help to create QR codes? Let Zesno help you!

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