Resource Library

Collect documents, videos, links and audio files in one place so your audience can quickly find what they need.

Create A Resource Library
In Minutes

Ever tried getting all your customer resources together in the same place? It’s like herding cats, but we do have a smart solution for YOU. Check our Resources and download them FREE.

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Interesting Use CaseResources

Lead Generating Resource Library

Generating more leads with your resource library is easier than ever.

Configure your opt-in form once, then connect the library to your preferred email marketing platform. You can even segment subscribers based on which resource they download.

Our Smart Subsciber feature means that your readers only have to enter their email address once. This increases the chances of them downloading more resources and gives you a better picture of who they are.

Interesting Use CaseVideo Library

Video Library

Wouldn’t it be great if people could browse and search your videos without a third party algorithm recommending competitors in the sidebar?

Zesno can help you create a video library with a complete control. More than that, you can embed the entire library in your own website and keep people on-site.

You can upload your video files directly or link to a third party hosting service.

Interesting Use CasePodcast Archive

Podcast Library

Let’s say you’ve gone to all the trouble of recording a bunch of podcasts. Where do they live?

Somewhere else of course!

You’ve gone to all that effort and you’re not even getting any of that sweet SEO juice.

Why not embed a resource library of previous podcast episodes on your website so people can easily browse your back catalogue?

You’ll get new listeners, improve your search ranking and make your archive easier to search. Everyone wins!

Interesting Use CaseAffiliate Collection

Boost Your Affiliated Income

Recommending a series of products usually means a boring list that is text heavy and difficult to browse.

Instead, why not create a destination library of products that is categorized and searchable.

Embedding the library in your site will give you all the SEO benefits of a static page but a better user experience for your audience.

A better user experience means that your library is more useful and ultimately more shareable, resulting in more traffic.

Interesting Use CaseAsset Repository

Your Brand (or whatever) Asset Library

Let’s say you need to share a collection of assets with your audience.

A well presented, categorized collection is much easier for the user to browse and easier for you to maintain.

Need to update a file? Let Zesno handle the background and your audience will have instant access to the latest version of your beautiful asset library.

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