Online Forms and Surveys

Zesno provides the complete toolkit for any individual or business to collect data online.

An All-In-One
Data Collection Tool

With Zesno, you get all the tools you need for collecting data online with zero restrictions and connect with your favorite third-party applications. Want to see our demos?


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Get Conversational Or Traditional Forms
Enjoy Advanced Analytics
100% Brandable With Custom Domain
All the things branding

You get absolutely zero branding so you can make your forms truly yours. Zesno will help you add the online forms and surveys on your preferred custom domain(s).

Ask like you’re having a conversation

Increase your response rates by up to 40% by switching to a more interactive format by combining Conversational Surveys with Refer To.

online forms


Collect online payments with Payment Forms
  • Dynamic Payments: Charge depending on the selections made on the payment form makes it easier than ever before to start selling products.
  • Flat Payments: Charge the same amount upon submission to easily collect payments within seconds, without the busy calculation work.

  • Collect Donations: Have the respondent choose the amount they want to pay by creating an online donation form.

Or simply collect data the normal way

Create powerful, multi-page, complex online forms that allow you to collect data in a much more efficient way. The possibilities are pretty much endless.

online forms


Data & Analytics
  • Advanced Export: Export your responses in customizable PDF and CSV files.
  • Responses Summary: A quick comparison on how each often each option has been chosen.
  • Respondent Limits: Have your respondents submit your forms no more then you want.
  • Partial Responses: Ensure you capture all data by saving the data that’s not submitted.
  • Respondent Notifications: Emails with the contents of the response for the respondents.

Sometimes the best way to envision the future is to research and invent it.

Ask.. Logically!

With Conditional Logic, Page Logic and Skip Logic Zesno can make your forms & surveys smart with little effort.

Make it personal

Make your surveys personal instead of serving ‘one-size-fits-all’ by referring to previously answered fields.

Successful Software CompanyFrom Your Problem to Great Solution

Use Everywhere, Collect Anywhere.

Data collection has become a crucial part of modern business strategy. With data, you can learn from key insights and directly approach customers with your offers in the future.
Zesno forms and surveys can be used anytime you want. Collect survey responses by email, by embedding it on a blog post, sharing it on social media or anywhere else you can think of.
online surveys

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Get in Touch with us?

Come and visit our quarters or simply send us an email anytime you want. We are open to all suggestions from our faithful clients.

Main Office
26 Street 23, Phong Phu
Binh Chanh, HCMC, Vietnam
Creative Office
(to be updated)
Call us
International: +1 (646) 760 6211
Vietnam: +84 938 333 525